Welcome to my blog about my weight loss experiments and hopefully successes...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

EB & Me

Notice anything different? I have deleted all of my previous blog posts and (once again) decided to start anew. My husband and I decided to welcome in a new decade by deeming 2010 our "Year of Change" (no relation to the Obama campaign). This year we are devoting our time and energy to finding solutions to our ongoing issues. I have decided to tackle my weight issue and put an end to this unhealthy relationship with food once and for all.

My husband recommended that I look into a nutritionist who has been visiting his job. I checked out her website (http://www.ebnutrition.com/) and was instantly impressed. I called and made my an appointment with Elizabeth for Monday, February 15, 2010. At first, I admit I was nervous and wasn't sure what to expect going in but I was pleasantly surprised. She opened with one of the most important questions:

What are your goals?

I want to be under 200 lbs by September so I can look nice in my friends wedding and have more energy for when I go to Disney in November.

At first I thought she is going to think my goal is insane. She said that my goal was very reasonable and together we could make this happen. I shared with her the emotional ties I have with food and the feeling of satisfaction food gives me. We discussed my history as it relates to food and weight gain/loss. Something that sticcks out in my mind from our meeting is me saying to her

"I have never been skinny, I just want to see myself at a healthy weight"

She anaylized my blood type and had me step on the scale for my first weigh-in and body analysis:























and we revisited my goals to make them more specific:

  1. Optimize health
  2. Improve Quality of Life
  3. Craving Control
  4. Weight Loss- 70 pounds

Goal Weight Range: 190- 195 pounds

Body Fat Goal: <30%

Based on our discussion of my past and my description of my relationship with food she assessed the Main Factors of my weight and the Area of Focus.

Main Factors:

Biochemical (blood sugar fluctuations, hormonal changes, brain chemistry

I need to adjust my eating times and my meal combinations

Emotional/Behavioral- happy, sad, etc.

I need to refocus my internal dialof and start working on the idea that mass quanitity does not equal pleasure

Taste-enjoyment factor

Areas of Focus:

Improve glycemic control

Timing of meals

must have a protein+ carbhydrate+ fat at every meal and snack

Water 80-100 0z per day

Portion control

She gave me some vitamins to ensure my body gets what it needs and to help calm me around meal time so I don't feel so inclined to overeat and recommended a daily meditation to work on my internal dialogue.

Why am I writing this now?

Tomorrow starts the first day of this brand ner meal plan. I gave myself the last four days of the week to get myself ready to make this adjustment. So I thought what a perfect idea, should this attempt be successful, to have a compainion blog focused on my weight loss and related issues only. Here am, ready to begin what I hope will be an overdue solution to a very solvable problem.

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