Welcome to my blog about my weight loss experiments and hopefully successes...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


It has been a long time since I updated my STATs so here they are:

SW: 268
CW: 228

40 Pounds Lost!!!

Current BMI: 33.7

Monday, December 6, 2010


I am super happy to report that I am in the 220s. I don't think I have been in the 220s since I was in high school--early high school even. I don't know if I really see a change in myself right now but I do feel one and my clothes are all falling off. I am looking forward to getting some clothes that fit sometime soon. I am waiting until after Christmas in hopes that I will have some gift cards. I am pretty proud though. It was such a huge moment to stand on the scale and see that number staring back at me. I know the weight loss has been slower than I had originally planned but that makes it even better in a way. I am just trying to look to the future for more!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Reaching for More

So it has been a long journey so far but this has been the most weight I have ever lost. I feel pretty proud of what I have accomplished at this point and I am totally jazzed to do some more. I feel like the vacation renewed my desire to lose weight and I am ready to set some new goals. I may not have been at 190 my this vacation but I sure felt great and noticed a difference all around.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Feelin' It

My new birthday outfit from The Loft. My Mommy and I went and got it and I was so proud to fit in the clothes there I didn't realize that I would when I went shopping with Audre and she picked out this sweater for me and bam it fit. It felt so great to have it fit and look good and to shop in a store that isn't just a specialty store for big people.

Oh and I have a zit which adds a little color to my pastey face! YEAH!

Recently I have really noticed a change in my body size. At first I wasn't really noticing too much differences but now that I am on the verge of the 220s I really see a huge difference and it makes me proud. I am so happy to feel this good about myself again and I am starting to regret not working on myself sooner but hey as Mimi says "Forget Regret or life is yours to miss". I just wanted to post a little bit of my sunshine so I can remember. Also, I am celebrating the fact that I am sooooo close to the 220s and I haven't been in the 220s since seinor year high school!! I am just so proud of me!! Yeah for my self-centeredness!!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Some Skinny Pics

I have to admit I have been a little bad recently so I am trying to get myself back on the wagon or at least the majority of the wagon. I just had to post these though because I am so proud of how thin I look. I was taking a pic of myself and I saw that I looked so skinny so I kept taking more just to verify. These are some of the results or the results of the results...yeah whatever. I have one more month to Disney and I got my tickets in the mail today which means I need to get myself more motivated its time for a BOOOT CAAAAAAAMP!!!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mid 230s

Recently I have been a little off the wagon and I am just around the corner from my birthday and from Disney so I have to get my butt in gear, but first I wanted to post some results of results or yeah whatever I just look thin and I am proud because I weighed in at 236!!!!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Lookin Good!!

So although I was not in the mid-230s I was still pretty proud of how everything turned out at Melinda's wedding and was really proud of all the work I had put in to my weight loss. I was super confident and was very happy.

Saturday, September 11, 2010



Remember this picture from May?

What a change 3 months later!

I am super excited to say that I am offically in the 230s and that I have lost a total of 30 pounds since I started this program in May. It is so awesome to see these changes in my body and to know that I am on my way to a healthier more balanced me! Today I get my shot and my next set of pills. I am going to have to really work to keep reaching my goals but just knowing how good it feels helps me keep that focus.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

240 by Ocean City!!!!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Measurement Update: Not too shabby

Measurements from

May 13th: Today: Inches Lost:

Bust: 49" Bust: 45" -4"

Waist: 48" Waist: 43" -5"

Hip: 56" Hip: 52" -4"

On Pins and Needles


Sorry for the blurry on these photos but it was the best I could do at David's Bridal really quickly. So I got my dress about 2 weeks ago and had tried it on over my clothes and it was huge! The whole dress was pouring off of me. Well you can imagine what it looked like now that I had lost even more weight. I tried to take pics so I would be able to remember how huge the dress was but I don't think you can tell so much.

I ended up going to get my alterations at this great little place over the Pancake House in Rockville because David's Bridal was unable to work on the dress since I didn't purchase the dress there. It was all good because the lady I got really knew her stuff. There is a lot she has to do with the dress. She ahs to ake out the boning of the dress in order to take it in like 4" on both sides, she has to remove the straps & reapply tighter, she has to cinch in the breast to make the top lay across my chest, she has to bring in the hips about 2" on both sides, and she has to bring the length up about 1-11/2". (I got extra length on my dress so that a tailor could make it the perfect size). As she was pinning my dress all over (I mean LOTS of pins) it was starting to take shape and looked so elegant. I pick up the finished product on September 4th. I can't wait to see it!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Moovin Right Along

SW: 268
LW: 248
CW: 243!!!!!

268- 39.6

243- 35.4 AWESOME!!!

I am so proud today because I was thinking to myself not to expect too much. I got my shot and next round of pills exactly one week ago and at that weigh-in I was still at 248 (which I have to admit I was proud of since the last time they saw me I was at 255). 243 is so great though especially considering I didn't take my pills for four days during the week. I decided to check in a little with myself to make sure I wasn't relying too much on the medicine and sure enough I am on track. I can't wait to be in the 230s just 4 more pounds to go and I am really going to push to make those 4 pounds this week!

Melinda's wedding is about a month away so I have a lot to do to get to my goal of 220s by then but seeing myself so close to the 230s is def. a real incentive. I have been trying to do the Biggest Loser Yoga Workout and really get more into exercise.

Friday, July 9, 2010


When I went to my appointment with Dr. Gupta on Tuesday, I was still carrying all the weight from my congratulations lunches and my brief "off the wagon" time. At the appointment I discussed my nauseau with them and they suggested I begin taking the time release pill which is the same dose just released throughout the day instead of one big release in the morning. It was also suggested that I make sure I eat my 5 meals a day again.


I have been doing really good about following the directions and have incorporated in exercise! YEAH! So from Tuesday to today I lost 7-pounds WOW!!!!

SW- 268

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

3 Week Weigh In

B12 Shot; 2nd appointment
Refill Phetermine

SW- 268
CW- 255

TOTAL SO FAR: 13 Pounds

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

2nd Week

06/01/2010 - 260

06/08/2010 CW- 257

Week 2 total: 3 pounds

Total for both weeks: 11 pounds

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

1st Week

5/25/2010 SW- 268
06/01/2010 CW- 260

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

B12 & Phetermine

5/25/2010- B12 Shot; 1st appointment

Weigh In: 268

5/26/2010: Began taking Phetermine

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Time to Get Serious

I have been so back and forth with my dieting recently. One minute I am feeling focused and ready to try to lose weight and then something happens where I lose sight of my goal and then it is gone. I promised my nutritionist two things for this week 1) Exercise- 2 x a week for 20 minutes on the bike or elliptical trainer 2)Recording at least two days of my food intake.

My plan of attack:

I am going to go to the gym Wednesday and Friday this week.

I recorded yesterdays food intake and will record todays intake as well and then my hope is to record all week and then really wow her

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Gettin In Your Head (March 17)

Sorry for the delay in posting this, things have been hectic at best and I figure since I have no readers it can be low on my blog priority lists. On March 17th, I had my second meeting with my nutritionist. I admit I came full of excuses as to why I hadn't been successful in the least on dieting. I told her that I just don't have the self discipline and so on and so forth. She suggested that I read a couple of books by Wayne Dyer on controlling your thoughts. I downloaded the first suggested reading, "Excuses Begone...", and I have to admit I am really interested so far. The author studied the way of Tao and has applied much of his teachings to modern psychology's levels of consciousness and the "ego" being a driving force. He discusses this idea of the Higher Self. The Higher Self is the part of you most connected to God and you choose to make that Higher Self's thought processes emulate what you feel God's thought processes are. In other words, the Higher Self is pure in nature and upholds what your moral standards truly are. The Higher Self is a part of your conscious.
Then there is the subconscious which is guiding the brain underneath the surface. Here lies the "ego". This is a little contrary to how I remember Freud used the concept of the ego. I think he tends to use the "ego" like what would be in Freudian terms the "id" combined with Freud's "ego" and then substitutes the idea of the "Superego" with the Higher Self (which I actually like more since the Superego sounds to me juvinille (like your superhero self-like my old phrase "What Would Buffy Do") and has a disconnect from the Metaphysical self whereas the Higher Self applies an indiduals Spiritual as well as Social values). This ego sits in the driver's seat and makes your actual decisions. Ok so this is pretty much where I stop the synopsis since I haven't gotten into the third section of the book yet which talks about the control that you have over the "ego" and its potential to change your life.

I am loving all of this though because this is the answer I have long wanted. I love the idea of counting calories and watching what I eat but it can only last as long as I am focused on being "good" once I decided to do anything outside of that ideal everything is gone. My hope for this book is it will build my Higher Self and its connection with my ego so that I am more aware of the excuses I give myself toward doing anything. I am hoping this can be a solution in my whole self not just in this one area.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

EB & Me

Notice anything different? I have deleted all of my previous blog posts and (once again) decided to start anew. My husband and I decided to welcome in a new decade by deeming 2010 our "Year of Change" (no relation to the Obama campaign). This year we are devoting our time and energy to finding solutions to our ongoing issues. I have decided to tackle my weight issue and put an end to this unhealthy relationship with food once and for all.

My husband recommended that I look into a nutritionist who has been visiting his job. I checked out her website (http://www.ebnutrition.com/) and was instantly impressed. I called and made my an appointment with Elizabeth for Monday, February 15, 2010. At first, I admit I was nervous and wasn't sure what to expect going in but I was pleasantly surprised. She opened with one of the most important questions:

What are your goals?

I want to be under 200 lbs by September so I can look nice in my friends wedding and have more energy for when I go to Disney in November.

At first I thought she is going to think my goal is insane. She said that my goal was very reasonable and together we could make this happen. I shared with her the emotional ties I have with food and the feeling of satisfaction food gives me. We discussed my history as it relates to food and weight gain/loss. Something that sticcks out in my mind from our meeting is me saying to her

"I have never been skinny, I just want to see myself at a healthy weight"

She anaylized my blood type and had me step on the scale for my first weigh-in and body analysis:























and we revisited my goals to make them more specific:

  1. Optimize health
  2. Improve Quality of Life
  3. Craving Control
  4. Weight Loss- 70 pounds

Goal Weight Range: 190- 195 pounds

Body Fat Goal: <30%

Based on our discussion of my past and my description of my relationship with food she assessed the Main Factors of my weight and the Area of Focus.

Main Factors:

Biochemical (blood sugar fluctuations, hormonal changes, brain chemistry

I need to adjust my eating times and my meal combinations

Emotional/Behavioral- happy, sad, etc.

I need to refocus my internal dialof and start working on the idea that mass quanitity does not equal pleasure

Taste-enjoyment factor

Areas of Focus:

Improve glycemic control

Timing of meals

must have a protein+ carbhydrate+ fat at every meal and snack

Water 80-100 0z per day

Portion control

She gave me some vitamins to ensure my body gets what it needs and to help calm me around meal time so I don't feel so inclined to overeat and recommended a daily meditation to work on my internal dialogue.

Why am I writing this now?

Tomorrow starts the first day of this brand ner meal plan. I gave myself the last four days of the week to get myself ready to make this adjustment. So I thought what a perfect idea, should this attempt be successful, to have a compainion blog focused on my weight loss and related issues only. Here am, ready to begin what I hope will be an overdue solution to a very solvable problem.